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On the basis of the mine data center, the intelligent safety management system realizes the safety management and 3D visualization central management and control of exploitation, transport, beneficiation and tailing, achieves the integrated management of central monitoring, visualized analysis, decision making and dispatching, and plays an important role in establishing an efficient safety management mechanism.

1、Intelligent safety and environment management system

The intelligent safety and environment management system is an IT-based and standardized whole process trace tracking management system established in accordance with the requirement of the industrial work safety standardization specification, in conjunction with the actual work safety management of enterprises, with risk management and control as the core, and in compliance with PDCA trace closed loop management rules. The system is mainly applied in enterprise safety system standardization, safety self-inspection, self-correction and self-reporting, and comprehensive supervision of enterprise safety status.

Rendering of safety and environment management platform dispatching center

2、Emergency rescue command system

The mine emergency command system can realize emergency supply management, emergency plan (goaf collapse, fire, seepage, container fall and truck slide, slope collapse, tailing pond dam break accident), emergency response and emergency rescue dispatching, etc.

3、3D visualization management and control platform

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